
Saturday, December 25, 2010

I Was Playing With A Frog

On 26/12/2010 1a.m midnight, When I came back home from MCDonald, I saw my 3 big dogs were playing a very small things like cockroach size, I though it was just a cockroach, but suddenly it jumped jumped jumped, I look closely on it and then I just realize that it is a small frog!!! The 3 big dogs keep carry the frog from here to there, there to here with their mouth, they just want to play it, won't kill it, but I worry they will play it until it is death, so I decided to take the frog into my room to stay over night, then tomorrow morning or afternoon I will drive my car fetch it and throw it into the pound at somewhere. I did record a video on it :

When I play the video on my computer, it is good quality and bright, I don't know why the video is so dark after upload it to you-tube. That's why you must save your video into .mpeg4 or .avi format, you must not save your movie into .mov or .wmv format, because you-tube don't like .mov and .wmv. To bad my Camtasia software cannot save the video into .mpeg4 and if I saved it as .avi, the file size will be too big like 1.2gb, I lazy wait for too long the uploading time. Best video format for you-tube are :
resolution of 320x240.
YouTube recommends MPEG4 (Divx, Xvid) with MP3 audio. This option probably provides the best compromise between quality and file size. Other versions of MPEG are also acceptable.

This is the default format used by many editing programs. It provides excellent picture quality but file sizes are large. This can be a good option for short videos.

MOV, WMV & Others
These are perfectly acceptable, but may not provide the same quality or small file sizes as MPEG4.

Anyway, below are the pictures of the frog that I was playing with :

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