
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Get Rid of Slim body? Gain fat n weight?

I can see a lot of boys in Penang are slim. Don't they wish to have English man's body? big, strong, fit, muscleman look? I want to transform my body from slim to fat. Just like what you see on the following picture :

I though because he is English man, so he can do that. But after I saw 1 of my close friend who always play basketball with me, he have success transform his slim body into fat body within 3 month, I start trust I can do it on my own body too.

My friend eat 3 meals per day only. And He take gym 2 hours per day, 5 days per week. And he play basketball 2 hours for 5 days per week too. He eat Ultimate Nutrition Prostar Whey natural favour - RM120 per bottle at He eat this Ultimate Nutrition 1 scoop before doing gym. He do 10kg dumbbell 50 times + push up 30times. Only this two styles, do them for 6 sets. Will finish around 2 hours. That's it, he success turn himself to fat and fit body.

I feel that 3 month is too long, I want become fat within 1 month. So I go find out the way to do that. I asked the professor trainer, he told me :
"if you would like to bulk up then you should be taking a mass gainer product which is higher in calories.

Products recommendations are:
UN Real Gains

MAP Mass Impact

Stacking any one of the above with a growth formula like UN Torrent is guaranteed to build you some quality mass.

UN Torrent

Take the gainer daily and Torrent only after workouts. Lift hard and minimize cardio for now."

He did mention "minimize cardio", so I cannot running, hiking, or play basketball anymore, because those exercises is cardio, those exercise can increase metabolism to slim down my body.

So, now I calculate how much money I need to spend per month to build my body.
5 meals per day. 1 place of fries rice/chicken rice RM4. So, RM4 x 5 = RM20 per day. So RM20 x 30 = RM 600 per month.

MAP Mass Impact - RM202. Can eat 8 times only. 1 day need to eat 1 time. So can eat 8 days only. So I need to buy 3 bottle per month, meaning RM202 x 3 = RM606.

UN Torrent - RM197. Can eat 15 times only. After gym must eat 1 time. So 1 week got 4 gym, 1 month = 4x4=16gym. Ok, I just count it as 15 gym, so 1 month need 1 bottle of UN Torrent only = RM197.

So totally I eat RM600 + RM606 + RM197 = RM1403 per month. Bankrup if I continue eat for 3 month! Better show me the result within 1 month! Else I will give up!

I have bought Pro Complex Gainer from gnc at RM210 last month, and I ate it for 2 weeks already but cannot see the result. Start feeling it is useless product =.=

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