
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas eve celebration at Penang on 2009

Christmas eve celebration at Gurney Drive in Penang on 2009

Above is the picture that I captured in front Gurney Plaza. Sorry about the blur photo. My camera drop onto floor and the anti-shake feature without flash is not function d, sad. Seriously I need buy a new camera. Haha.

Above video show the people dancing and on stages around 11.55p.m. Seriously Malaysia event organizer need 2 come out an idea to make all citizens active in the event, since we all are so Passive!

very boring just now u know!!
All standing there watching the people dance and sing on the stage.
The people on the stage keep asking we all dance together, but just a few in front there do that, other all 95% are just standing there and watch, no movement at all. Ish.

Above video shows there was so much snow at the middle of the roundabout at Gurney Drive, those kid are playing the snow.

Anyway, it is not a real snow, it is like a white white bubble that come from the sprayers. lol.

Above video shows lala/ah beng/samseng fighting with policemen at Gurney on Christmas Eve 2009~ wow.

1 of the lala kia told me :
"There are about 10 police, 20 cid, and 10 rela at Gurney that day, but only 4 police fight with the Ah Beng / Samseng / lala kia. lol. There are 30 lala kia fight agaist the 4 policemen, but after a while, 15 lala kia scare and run aways, so left only the 15 lala kia fighting until the end."

"the 15 lala kia kena caught and send to police station. They 15 lala kia are released after 15 minutes in the police station"

"they caught us and ask question, well... police started first, police taken our spray, why not S&J or some one else? why is we?"

"and spray are allowed, why we play they 6 police gave us a warning, say spray is not allowed"

When I heard that, I was about omg~ lol

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