
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How To Use Joomla

To install a plugin or a template :
Click Extensions > Install/Uninstall.

To create a new page :
Click Content > Article Manager > New

To add a new link to the side menu or top menu :
Click Menus > Menu Manager > Menu Item(s) > New > Article > Article Layout
Then Type in the title, then choose the menu, then choose the article (page).

To show menu to all pages :
Click Extensions > Module Manager
Then select the menu, then click "All" button on Menu Assignment section.

To modify the picture and css and html codes of the template :
When you are trying to edit a css or html page, it won't allow you save the page and it shows the error message : "a fatal error or timeout occurred while processing this directive cpanel". It is because the ownership is changed to "nobody", so you don't have the ownership / permission to edit the page. Please follow the steps below to fix it :
0) Let's say your template folder name is milky_way
1) Rename the folder of the template. (Eg : milky_way2)
2) Copy and paste the folder to your root folder.
3) Delete the original folder of template.
4) Move the copied folder from root folder back to the original folder.
5) Rename it to original name (Eg: milky_way2).
6) Right click the folder, choose "Change Permissions", tick all the boxes of "Write".
You also need to repeat the 6 steps above for css folder in the template folder.

To add a box on any part of a page :
You need to know what is the name of the box on a particular part of the page 1st, please look at the picture below for reference :

To copy a Joomla website and paste it into other hosting :
Zip all files > download the zip file > upload the zip file to other hosting > extract the zip file. Then export a copy of the database to your computer :
1. Login to the database that you want to duplicate using phpMyAdmin
2. Click the database name on the left-hand side of the page.
3. Select the Export tab
4. Select the Save as file option
5. Click Go.
Then import the copied database into the new database on the other hosting. You'll first need to create the new, empty database on your server using the account control panel. After the new database has been created:
1. Login to the new database using phpMyAdmin
2. Click the database name on the left-hand side of the page
3. Select the Import tab
4. Click the Browse button under "File to import", then select the database file from your computer
5. Click Go to import the database
Hint: If you see a "No database selected" error, it's probably because you forgot to first click on the database name in the left-hand column.

After copy paste Joomla files from 1 folder to another folder, u need to change d ftp paths in configuration.php, else u can't upload plugin. It will give you error message : "JFTP::store: Bad response Warning! - Failed to move file". To solve the error, you can update the configuration.php file updating the following fields example:
var $ftp_enable = "1";
var $ftp_host = "ftp host address";
var $ftp_port = "21";
var $ftp_user = "ftpusername";
var $ftp_pass = "ftppassword";
var $ftp_root = "/";

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