
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Fix Streamyx Lag / Slow

If you are lazy read my long story, you can skip it, scroll down to the bottom to read the purple background paragraph that shows the solution to fix Streamyx slow connection problem.
Today I woke up at 3p.m and I on my computer, I realized the facebook website and hotmail website are loading very slow, so I cmd ping -t to check the speed and the average of downloading speed is all 2000ms above which mean my internet is very slow. I have print-screen it to show you :

So, I phone to streamyx (1300881515) by using my handphone, press 2 for English, then press 1 for technical issue. Then I told him "Hello, I want to know why my Internet connection is very slow for today?". Then he asked my streamyx account owner's name, house fixed line telephone number, my handphone number. Then he asked me off my modem form 15 second, then on it back. Then I check the speed again and it become 60ms which mean my internet is very fast!!! Woohoo. Picture below show the ping that average 60ms :

I told him "Okay, the problem is fixed, my internet connection is smooth now, thank you. Anyway what was the problem just now?". He answered "Your line is hang, so I just helped you refresh your line".

Before you call Streamyx, you need to know what is the reason your internet slow? If your internet slow is not because of streamyx problem but because of your computer has virus or movie player upload movie files secretly, then you must not waste time to call Streamyx. Please try fix your computer virus and movie player problem first by following the instructions on this page. If the solution is not working, then you need to call streamyx company to fix it by following the steps below :
1 - go to change the password of your Streamyx account at (Please change to use very complicated password such as 9M^&@e5, so next time hacker will hard to hack your password and he might give up, haha).

2 - Prepare the following things before you phone Streamyx :
a) The phone number that you used to register your Streamyx acc.
b) The username of your Streamyx account (For example : alibaba2).
c) The owner's name of Streamyx account (For example : Zac Ang Eng Keat).
d) Your modem brand (For example : Dlink, Aztect, Netgear).

3 - Then phone Streamyx company ask them refresh your line. (You will be charge RM2 if you using handphone to phone Streamyx at (1300881515). If you don't want to spend any money on the call, you can use your house telephone to call streamyx at (100) for FREE.

4 - Press 2 for English, then press 1 for Technical Support, type in your house phone number that you used to register Streamyx then press #, for example 048276953#

5 - Then a worker/dialer will pick up your call,
a) he ask "What is your name?", you tell your name.
b) he ask "What is the phone number that you used to registered your Streamyx account?", you tell the house phone number.
c) he ask "What is your handphone number?", you tell your handphone number.
d) he ask "What is your Streamyx account username?", you tell the username.
e) he ask "What is the brand of your modem?", you tell the brand name.
f) he ask you to off your modem for 15 seconds, then on it back.

When you hearing he is saying "You can off your modem for 15 sec then on it back", you can direct hang up the call already, because when he saying that, meaning he already finish refreshed your internet line, so you don't need to waste your time and phone credit to hear him talk useless things anymore. If you don't hang up the call and waiting him talk this talk that, your will going to spend more than rm4 of your handphone credit for that call.

After on back your modem, you can Test Your Internet Speed by following the steps below :
Step 1 - Click "Start" button on your desktop or press "Window" button on keyboard.
Step 2 - Then type cmd into the search box, then press Enter button on your keyboard.
Step 3 - Then type ping -t into the black box, then press Enter button on your keyboard.
Step 4 - Then check and see the time=???ms, if all are less than 200ms, it mean your internet speed is fast. If all are more than 1000ms, it mean your internet speed is still very slow.

If your internet speed is still slow, you can try go to open Internet browser (IE or Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome) type or or onto the address bar and press Enter button on your keyboard go into your wireless router setting to change the wireless password and Admin password, then restart your wireless router. It is because your neighbor might connecting your internet through your wireless and open ppstream to slow down your internet. You must change the admin password because if your neighbor has the Admin password, he can login to your wireless setting page to see your wireless password.

If all the solution above are not work for you, after you did all steps above but your internet speed is still slow, please read the article below :
You internet speed slow is because too many people are using Streamyx at your area. The backbone of that area is getting crowded, lets say the backbone can only stand for 3gbps only, if your area has 5000 users in the same backbone, all of them using 1mbps, so total is already 5gbps already, the backbone cannot support 5gbps, so you all will start to get degradation.

Furthermore, Streamyx has special port for 4mbps users, they have special ports that 1mbps users don't share. The 4mbps users are using the same backbone with 1bmps users but priority is given to 4mbps users first. That's why Streamyx cap/reduce the speed of 1bmps users, let 4mbps users enjoy more speed because 4mbps require 70% efficiency. So if you want to enjoy higher speed, you must upgrade your Streamyx package to 4mbps which is RM268 per month.

Streamyx caps our internet speed a lot, 1mbps speed is being capped become 200kbps. So we pay RM88 for 200kbps, not 1mbps, damn!!! A lot of forumers want to sue Streamyx "We all demand remove the cap or reduce the subscription fees!". Streamyx has 3 different speed cap modes :
1) Shift Day and Night speed cap - Some people's internet speed is being capped during day time, but some other is being capped during night. A lot of people let their computer download big files from internet while they are sleeping, so it makes sense that Streamyx need to cap our internet speed at night too.

2) Daily speed cap and monthly speed cap.

3) International speed cap - It mean if you surfing the internet within Malaysia, you won't have problem with your speed, but if you surfing the internet to other countries, your speed will be capped and you will feel your internet speed is very slow. You can do speed test between malaysia server and singapore server to see whether or not your are having International speed cap.

We need to work together to complain Streamyx company. We pay RM88 is for 1mbps speed, not for 200kbps speed!!! Streamyx should upgrade the backbone and remove the speed cap, or reduce our monthly subscription fee!!!

RM88 for 1mbps is very expensive already but they still cannot give us full speed!!! Damn it!!! My friend living in Taiwan, he download 1gb file can be done in 10 minute. So his downloading speed is around 1.6mb per second and he pay RM20 per month for his internet only!!! Can you see how big different is the price of internet service between taiwan and malaysia? Korea country RM100 for 100mbps, but Malaysia country RM88 for 1mbps? What a shame?!!! How can we fulfill the words "Malaysia Boleh" ???!!!

Resources :
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You might also like : How To Hack Streamyx Account.

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