
Friday, October 1, 2010

DiGi iPhone 4 Play

Shazam is 1 of the iTunes App that I have seen and I am interested on it so much, I know Shazam from 1 of my friend actually. Last 3 weeks ago I was driving and he just sit beside me, then Fly FM radio channel played a very wonderful song that time, so I asked my friend "Do you know what is the title of the song?", he replied "I don't know but my handphone might know", I feel strange why he said so, then I saw he took his handphone go near to the speaker and then he said he found the title of the song, I asked him "huh? How did you find it?", he replied there is a software that can detect song and check the song from iTunes library, and it allow him to download the song from iTunes too. I was like omg why I am so outdated, haha. Seriously I love and need this software!! I always listen the nice songs from radio channel like Fly FM, Red FM, 988 and I want to download them to my computer so that I can listen to them many times but too bad I don't know the title of those songs. I did try very hard to remember its lyric, and when back home, I tried google search the lyric but it show up all the old songs that have the same lyric. I did spend 6 hours to find out a song title from google sometime, it is so wasting time. If I have Shazam, sure I can easy and fast to find out the song title and even can download the song immediately to my iPhone 4, wow wow wow!!!

I also like Glee Karaoke which is also 1 of the iTunes app. With Glee Karaoke app, I can sing all my favorite songs without worry about my ugly voice because Glee Karaoke app can correct my voice, enhances my voice with pitch correction, harmonies, make my voice become more sweet, wow. Seriously I love singing and love to share my singing to all around the world, here you can watch a video about I was singing a song :

From the video above, I pretty sure you really want to complain about my ugly voice, you might want to scold me "What!!! This people don't know shy is it? This kind of shit voice also dare show to public!!!". It is okay I let you complain and let you scold me, you will not have any chance to scold me anymore after I have an iPhone 4 with Glee Karaoke app installed!!!

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