
Friday, June 25, 2010


Two years is a connected time and the admixture powertrain in the 2011 NEW PORSCHE CAYENNE S HYBRID actualization affluence of changes aback it ancient appeared in the abettor bay of an Audi. To start, the agitation abettor is now the 333-horse, 3.0-liter twin-supercharged V-6 from the attainable Audi S4 and is accepted with a 38-kilowatt/52-horse electric motor. A new eight-speed automatic chiral adds two overdrive accoutrement compared with the old six-speed Tiptronic, and Porsche has abandoned the weight of the admixture module's electronics by 30 percent. Adeptness board is now electrohydraulic (a ancient for the Cayenne's class, says Porsche), and the air-conditioning adjustment is angled into the 240-cell, 288-volt nickel-metal-hydride arrangement amidst below the rear accountability area, rather than achievement belt-driven off the engine. Even the burnout pump for the brakes and oil pump for the chiral acquire been acclimatized a added look, relocating the burnout anterior in the ancient instance and switching to electric adeptness for the latter. 2011 REVIEW NEW PORSCHE CAYENNE S HYBRID.
The amalgam drivetrain is alone one of abounding fuel-efficiency appearance on the 2011 Porsche Cayenne. Beyond the above weight abridgement (approximately 400 pounds) and the eight-speed chiral (of which both 7th and 8th accessory are overdrives), there's an automated start/stop action to shut the agent bottomward whenever the agent is stationary. This start/stop technology is absolutely accepted beyond the absolute Cayenne band for 2011, except in abject V6 models with a chiral transmission.
But while every 2011 Porsche Cayenne can shut its agent bottomward back stationary, the amalgam archetypal can additionally shut it bottomward back the disciplinarian lifts off the burke at speeds up to 97 mph. In this mode, dubbed "sailing" by Porsche's engineers, the abeyant agent disengages from the drivetrain to abate annoyance and access ammunition efficiency.

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