
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Creative Furniture

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I lay comfortably on my favorite “Petit Beurre” cookie to catnap. Mmm, I dream to eat!

This umbrella cut and pierce the rain like a sword. Neither rain nor snow can not harm! Excellent!

How good are these prefabricated tables! Press the lever and they raised by themselves. You can pick up one, two or all three tables. You just need more chairs. But if not them, not a problem. You can sit at tables.

You need a chair. Here it is. You need two chairs. Here’s them too. You need three chairs and benches, here it is there! Quick to disassemble, quick to assemble, as needed. Very practical!

Is there anything more beautiful than the morning smile. Do you like when your child smiles, when your husband is smiles, when your mother-in-law smiles… Why wouldn’t your toaster smiles too? It would be nice of him, right?

What do you think, in which of these vessels is salt and in which is pepper? Is the red container with pepper because he is angry, or because he is a villain in this story? White is definitely a good guy! It is so good that you can put it in the dish of a small child!

In the DIY store I saw a beautiful lamp, but I didn’t saw that it was mounting. Beautiful lamp, I very need it but what it’s worth when I do not have a tools for it’s mounting? See instructions, when… I do not need tools. Makes it fast and simple, like a toy from Kinder. I recommend it, and I went to buy another one!

Phone rang. A friend called me to tell me the address of his favorite stores for home design. You know already that I love these things: interesting, new, creative, modern, expensive… I wrote the address in my tost that I didn’t manage to eat this morning (I’m kidding), and went to shopping.

We, rich people, in our drinking doesn’t put the square ice. This is not “IN”! We use only the diamonds. And sometimes, in the form of a certificate.

Fencing once was a way of fighting for the status of a man in society. Today it is an Olympic sport, and leisure for some fans of barbecue, sausage, bacon and picnics. The fight for food takes us into history. Food leads us to the beer. A beer to sleep. Good night!
| Creative Name Cards

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