
Monday, November 9, 2009

Horoscope Compatibility

Aquarius 水瓶座 (01/20 - 02/18)
Pisces 双鱼座 (02/19 - 03/20)
Aries 白羊/牧羊座 (3/21 - 4/19)
Taurus 金牛座 (4/20 - 5/20)
Gemini 双子座 (5/21 - 6/21)
Cancer 巨蟹座 (6/22 - 7/22)
Leo 狮子座 (7/23 - 8/22)
Virgo 处女座 (08/23 - 09/22)
Libra 天坪座 (09/23 - 10/23)
Scorpio 天蝎座 (10/24 - 11/21)
Sagittarius 射手/人马座 (11/22 - 12/21)
Capricorn 摩羯/山羊座 (12/22 - 01/19)

Horoscope Compatibility! Very accurate! Believe it! Find your perfect partner! 天生一对! YEAH ~

Perfect Partners: Leo, Sagittarius
Nearly Perfect Partners: Gemini, Aquarius
Like Minded Souls: Aries
Opposites You're Attracted To: Virgo, Scorpio
Learn From Your Differences: Pisces, Taurus
Not Your Destiny: Cancer, Capricorn
Astrological Hell: Libra
Perfect Partners: Virgo, Capricorn
Nearly Perfect Partners: Cancer, Pisces
Like Minded Souls: Taurus
Opposites You're Attracted To: Libra, Sagittarius
Learn From Your Differences: Aries, Gemini
Not Your Destiny: Leo, Aquarius
Astrological Hell: Scorpio  
Perfect Partners: Libra, Aquarius
Nearly Perfect Partners: Aries, Leo
Like Minded Souls: Gemini
Opposites You're Attracted To: Scorpio, Capricorn
Learn From Your Differences: Taurus, Cancer
Not Your Destiny: Virgo, Pisces
Astrological Hell: Sagittarius

Perfect Partners: Scorpio, Pisces
Nearly Perfect Partners: Taurus, Virgo
Like Minded Souls: Cancer
Opposites You're Attracted To: Sagittarius, Aquarius
Learn From Your Differences: Gemini, Leo
Not Your Destiny: Aries, Libra
Astrological Hell: Capricorn  

Perfect Partners: Aries, Sagittarius
Nearly Perfect Partners: Gemini, Libra
Like Minded Souls: Leo
Opposites You're Attracted To: Capricorn, Pisces
Learn From Your Differences: Cancer, Virgo
Not Your Destiny: Scorpio, Taurus
Astrological Hell: Aquarius  

Perfect Partners: Taurus, Capricorn
Nearly Perfect Partners: Cancer, Scorpio
Like Minded Souls: Virgo
Opposites You're Attracted To: Aries, Aquarius
Learn From Your Differences: Leo, Libra
Not Your Destiny: Gemini, Sagittarius
Astrological Hell: Pisces

Perfect Partners: Gemini, Aquarius
Nearly Perfect Partners: Leo, Sagittarius
Like Minded Souls: Libra
Opposites You're Attracted To: Taurus, Pisces
Learn From Your Differences: Virgo, Scorpio
Not Your Destiny: Cancer, Capricorn
Astrological Hell: Aries
Perfect Partners: Cancer, Pisces
Nearly Perfect Partners: Virgo, Capricorn
Like Minded Souls: Scorpio
Opposites You're Attracted To: Aries, Gemini
Learn From Your Differences: Libra, Sagittarius
Not Your Destiny: Leo, Aquarius
Astrological Hell: Taurus

Perfect Partners: Aries, Leo
Nearly Perfect Partners: Libra, Aquarius
Like Minded Souls: Sagittarius
Opposites You're Attracted To: Taurus, Cancer
Learn From Your Differences: Scorpio, Capricorn
Not Your Destiny: Virgo, Pisces
Astrological Hell: Gemini

Perfect Partners: Taurus, Virgo
Nearly Perfect Partners: Scorpio, Pisces
Like Minded Souls: Capricorn
Opposites You're Attracted To: Gemini, Leo
Learn From Your Differences: Sagittarius, Aquarius
Not Your Destiny: Aries, Libra
Astrological Hell: Cancer  
Perfect Partners: Gemini, Libra
Nearly Perfect Partners: Aries, Sagittarius
Like Minded Souls: Aquarius
Opposites You're Attracted To: Cancer, Virgo
Learn From Your Differences: Capricorn, Pisces
Not Your Destiny: Taurus, Scorpio
Astrological Hell: Leo  

Perfect Partners: Cancer, Scorpio
Nearly Perfect Partners: Taurus, Capricorn
Like Minded Souls: Pisces
Opposites You're Attracted To: Leo, Libra
Learn From Your Differences: Aries, Aquarius
Not Your Destiny: Gemini, Sagittarius
Astrological Hell: Virgo

Everyone has a real better-half. Who is your real better-half? So many people in the world and only 1 is your real better-half. You think the 1 who standing in front of you is your real better-half? Impossible!!! Do you want to know who is your real better-half? You just need to do the 3 steps :
1 - Get your perfect matches from your English Horoscope from this page. (For example : Leo and Libra)
2 - Get your perfect matches from your Chinese Zodiac from this page. (For example : Dog, Pig and Goat)
3 - Get your perfect matches from your Chinese 5 elements from this page. (For example : Wood Goat)
You must complete the 3 things above, you must not miss out any of them. If miss out 1, it will become inaccurate. A lot of people don't believe horoscope because they get inaccurate result. Why they get inaccurate result? It is because they didn't check all the 3 things (English horoscope, Chinese Zodiac and Chinese 5 elements).

If 1 of the 3 things of your bf/gf is not match to you, I bet you will break up with him/her within 4 years. If you both can stay together last for more than 4 years or maybe forever, you both also will always quarrel, not happy when staying together. See those stupid parents, live together for so many years already, got so many kids already, but they still always quarrel. If you don't want to be like those stupid parents, if you want stay happily with your love forever,如果你 不想糟蹋你的一生的幸福,then you better choose your perfect match!!!

Many people say horoscope is inaccurate, actually horoscope is 100% accurate, jz they didn't finish learn the 3 things - horoscope, zodiac, element. I give u an example, I born on 1987, so I am rabbit. I born on 2, so I am fire, I born on June, so I am Gemini. Wood and Land match my fire. Dog, pig and goat match my rabbit. But the wood and land dog and pig are 10 years younger and older than me, so I can't accept. Wood goat is 4 years younger than me, wood goat born on 1991, so conclusion is only Libra girl who born on year 1991 is match to me. People though all libra match all gemini, so when they broken up, they blame horoscope isn't accurate. Actually they forget to see the year!

Love a people is not wrong, but love a wrong people is very very wrong. That's why we need horoscope + zodiac + 5 elements to determine whether or not he/she is the right person to be loved.

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