
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Going Backwards to Go Forwards

When considering the current economic crisis and its effect on the retail motor industry I cannot help but think back to what unknowingly became the birth of great used car retailing practices in the UK following the 'Winter of Discontent' in late 1973 early 1974.

To put today's crisis in perspective imagine what it was like trying to sell new cars in a showroom that was frequently without electricity, when our potential customers were only working 3 days a week and every car owner was issued with petrol rationing books.

I can recall standing in a cold dark car showroom at 4pm in the afternoon with the headlights of the new cars switched on to let passing traffic know we were open for business, we even used a new accessory called hazard warning lights to illuminate the gloom and show our determination to stay in business. O for a scrapage scheme then!

Retailing new cars was extremely difficult but used car sales offered a way forward and many people realised for the first time that if they set themselves up properly to retail used cars there was a consistent and rewarding profit stream to be had.
This pioneering development of volume used car remarketing, forced by the ebb and flow of the economy is the reason that the UK now has the most sophisticated used car market anywhere in the world.

With more used vehicles changing hands every year than France and Spain combined and at least on a par with if not slightly bigger than Germany the UK manages this huge volume of used car activity without the continental outlets (particularly eastern Europe and until the recent past Russia) that the used car markets that these mainland European used car markets can access.

The sophistication of the UK market is underlined by the a startling statistic that once a car is part exchanged by its first owner there is an average of 2.75 wholesale 'owners' (traders, auction houses, franchise dealers etc) before it is registered in the name of the second owner. With well over 7 million used cars changing owners in the UK every year the retail and wholesale motor trade has to be quick thinking, imaginative, speculative and customer focused to stay ahead of the pack.

Think back now to the UK in 1974 and apply the mentality of new car dealers at that time to many franchised car dealers in continental Europe currently, especially those in emerging markets such as the Baltic's and Balkans and Russia. In the recent past they have had tremendous success selling every new car they could get their hands on, but now suddenly that market has gone and it probably won't come back for many years either.

So whats the answer for dealers in Europe at such a difficult time? Get your used car act together; take a long hard look at the UK, adopt and adapt their tried and tested practices and let retail used cars be your salvation.

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